

23rd Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Manager   2023-03-14

23rd Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

I wish the shareholder’s good health and peace in your home

In accordance with the article 363 of the Commercial Act and the article 16 of the Articles of Incorporation,

the company is holding the 23rd annual meeting of shareholders as follows.

1. Date/Time : March 29, 2023, at 09:00 Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)

2. Place : Conference Room(2F), AJ Bldg, 8-9, Jeongui-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 05836, Korea

3. Meeting Purpose

- Reports : Sales report, Audit report, External auditor appointment report, Report of operating status of internal accounting management system.

- Agenda

Agenda Item 1 : Approval of 23rd Separate Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements.

Agenda Item 2 : Approval of Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings (cash dividend)

Agenda Item 3 : Partial amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

Agenda Item 4 : Appointment of Directors

Agenda Item 5 : Approval of the limit of remuneration for Directors

Agenda Item 6 : Approval of the limit of remuneration for Auditors

March 14, 2023

AJ Networks Co., Ltd.

AJ Bldg, 8-9, Jeongui-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

CEO Dae Hyun Park , Sam Dal Son

/assets/uploads/file_제23기 AJ네트웍스 정기주주총회 의결권 위임장 양식_국문버전.pdf /assets/uploads/file_제23기 AJ네트웍스 정기주주총회 의결권 위임장 양식_영문버전.pdf
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